My whole body aches. -> 온몸이 쑤신다.
I have a taste for ______.
bean sprout -> 콩나물
all over the weekend -> 주말내내
Your face is swollen. -> 너의 얼굴이 부었당
it's weird -> 이상하다
It's looks weird -> 이상해 보인다.
= It's looks strange.
Can I have a doggie back?
= Can you wrap this?
= Can I have this to go? -> 포장해 주실 수 있으세여?
Q: Is this for here or to go?
A: to go
A: for here.
What's good today?
What's your speial today?
What do you recommend?
-> 추천해 주실래여?
Today, we have great ____ our special is _______
What's in there?
-> 뭐 들어가 있어여?
What's comes with that? -> 어떤거 같이 나와여?
Okey I have that on -> 그걸로 주세요
diagonally across from -> 대각선 반대