Q: What's your name?
A: Emilio Ramirez.

Q: What's your nationlty?
A: I'm korean / I'm French?

Q: what's your job? / What do you do?
A: I'm a wedding planner / I'm a computer program

Q: How old are you? / What's your age?
A: I'm 19

Q: What is your hobby?
A: My hobby is collecting old coins.

Q: What are you hobbys?
A: My hobby are collecting old coins and listening music

Q: What are yours interrests?
A: Reading poetry and visiting are galleries.

Q: What's your family name?
A: It's Ghosh

Q: What's your major?
A: It's science.

Q: What are you marjoring in?
A: I'm majoring in science.

Q: What do you like to in your free time? / What do you do in your free time?
A: I like collecting old coin.

Q: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
A: I enjoy reading mytery novels and eating out.


you can't miss it -> 놓칠수 없다.

go up to the intersection.
go down to the intersection.

go down for 2 blocks
= go down for couple of blocks

go anther block -> 한블럭

I have to ne there by 9 in the morning. -> 9시 까지 가야한당
I thoungt so. -> 나두 그렇게 생각해

6/29 월
Did you have a nice weekend?
get rid of -> 제거하다 없애다.
who did go with?
How long did you stay go there?
I went there for 3 day and 2 night.
-> 2박 3일 있엇다

What did you do there?


Excuse me.
I'm new in town
I'm a stranger here.

Q: Is there _____ around here?
   Where is the nearest ATM?
   I'm looking for a bank.
   Is there around here?
A: I'm not sure. -> 난 잘 모르겠다
 : I don't think so -> 없는거 같다
 : Yes, there is it's on __________
 : Yes. there is one on _____

Oh, I see
I got it.
I got that

one more thing -> 하나만 더 물어볼께여
there is just

Did you get it!  -> 알겠니?
you got it. -> 알겠니

I don't get it. -> 모르겠다.

Can you explain it again
Can you explain more detail.

Can you recommend a good spa?
Let me see.
That's close
That's easy.

I am looking for bank.
How do I get to YBM?

Go down this street.
= Go up this street.
= Go straight this street.
= Go along this street.
= Walk down pine street.
= Walk up this pine street.
= Walk straight pine street.
= Walk long pine street.
-> 이길을 따라서

for 3 blocks.
until main street.

turn left on main street.
= take a left on main street.
= make a left on main street.

turn right at main street.
= take a right on main street.
= make a right on main street.

It's on your right -> 오른편에 있다
It's the second builing on
It's at the and of the block.



My whole body aches. -> 온몸이 쑤신다.

I have a taste for ______.
bean sprout -> 콩나물

all over the weekend -> 주말내내

Your face is swollen. -> 너의 얼굴이 부었당

it's weird -> 이상하다
It's looks weird -> 이상해 보인다.
= It's looks strange.

Can I have a doggie back?
= Can you wrap this?
= Can I have this to go? ->  포장해 주실 수 있으세여?

Q: Is this for here or to go?
A: to go
A: for here.

What's good today?
What's your speial today?
What do you recommend?
-> 추천해 주실래여?

Today, we have great ____ our special is  _______

What's in there?
-> 뭐 들어가 있어여?

What's comes with that? -> 어떤거 같이 나와여?
Okey I have that on -> 그걸로 주세요

diagonally across from -> 대각선 반대


Yes, I starving to death
My stomach is growling
My stomach is making noise.
I could eat a horse.
me, too.
so do I
I do too.

Let's have something to eat.
What do you feel like?
What do you want to eat?

I'm not sure.
Any suggestions.
How about Pizza?
Let's have pizza.
I feel like something spicy.
I feel like something greasy.
I feel like something heavy.
I feel like something light.

I had late breakfast.
I don't feel like pizza.
I had it yesterday.
Is that okey with you? -> 괜찮겠니?
sounds good.
sounds delicious.

Q: Do you know any good place around here?
 where should we eat?
I don't know ant good place around here
It's up to you. -> 너한테 맡길께
Any place better you know? -> 더 괜찬은데 없니?
I heard ____ is great.

What else do they have? -> 다른거 어떤거 있나요?
Let's go and find one.
Are you ready to order?
Would you like to order?
May I take your order?
A: Not right now -> 지금은 아니예요
A: I haven't decided it yet. -> 아직 결정 안했어여
I'm not ready to order yet/
okey take your time.
I'll back later.
Call me when you are done.
yes, I'd like a pasta saled plase.
this one.
What kind of dressing do you want?
What kind of dressing would you like?
what kind of dressing do you have?
I'd like _____ and some fresh fried.
Whold you like some dressert side dishes?
No, that's fine.
For dessert.
Would you like iced coffee.
Would you like it with cream?
Would you like it with milk?
Would you like it with syrup?
Would you like it with sugar?

yes, plese.
just cream.
No, black place.
and plenty of ice
with on ice.
without ice.
little bit of ice.
Anything else?
No that's fine.
No, that's all.

I'm all set.

Thank you for ordering.
Enjoy your time.
Enjoy your meal.

Yes/ okey/ fine/ sure/ cartainlty



 어른        새끼
sheep  ----  lamp
dog    ----  puppy
bear   ----  cup
cat    ----  kitten
cow    ----  calf

I've never tried lamb
I've never eaten lamb
I've never seen  lamb

Have you ever been to _____?
Have you ever seen to _____?
Have you ever played to ___?

I have
No, I never

beef / pork / chicken / turkey

crla -> 게
shrimp ->새우 - prawn ->대하

port - 항구
oyster -> 굴
mussele ->홍합
abalone ->전복
tuna ->참치
salmon ->연어
anchory ->멸치
mackerel ->고등어
eel -> 장어
blowfish = swelfish ->복어


sweet sweeite
bitter spicy (hot) -> pepper, bell peper->파프리카
sour -> 새콤
cheey ->느끼한 -> 치즈들어간 음식
greasy ->기름진 -> 기름에 튀긴
oily -> 떡에 기름 묻은거 같은
soggy -> 눅눅한 샌드위치에
stale -> 눅눅한
bland -> 담백하다
juicy -> 과즙이 많은
chewy -> 쫄깃쫄깃 , 질긴
sgnishy -> 말랑말랑
creamy-> 우유들어간 뻑뻑
noodles got fat and soft
thick -> 걸죽한
rick ->풍부한

아침으로 먹는거
cereal / bread / salad / bacon / pancake

egg : fried egg
    : screambled egg
    : boiled egg
    : stram
    : omelet

fruit : tangerine ->귤
      : pomegranate -> 석류
      : chorry tomato -> 방울 토마토
      : perimmon
      : greapefruit ->자몽
      : pear ->배


plum -> 자두

That's a stereo type. ->편견이다

dired squid ->마른 오징어
live octopus ->  낙지
fishcake ->오뎅
deep fired ->튀김
sesame -> 깨
sesame leaf -> 깻잎
tofu ->두부
seawood ->미역 해조류
driedweed -> 김
porridge -> 죽
raw fish ->날 생선
sushi / vegetable

Toco bell / subway -> 음식점 가볼것

drinks = beverage ->음료

Can I have a sip? ->음료수 한입만?
Can I have a bite? -> 한입만?

processed food ->인스턴스
expiration date -> 유통시간
produced date ->생산 날짜
This milk is expired -> 유통기간 다 됬다.



I got up late. = I overslept ->늦게 일어나다

I didn't feel like studying english.
I didn't fell like eat beackfast.

Do you like coffee?
Yes, I love cafamoca.
Yes, I always drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day.

How many cups of coffee do you drink?
I always drink 2 or 3 shots of soju.
I drink forever.
I drink like a fish
I'm heavy drinker.
I'm light drinker.

I used to drink 2 or 3
I'm a party animal but not any more.

I always drink sweet coffee after meal.
I'm addited to ______

It's not bad but I don't drink (a lot do = lots of) coffee
Not really but I sometime drink bleak when I'm sleepy.

refrigerator = 냉장고
= fridge

freezer -> 냉동실

I'm cooking.
I'm burning up.

I'm starring to death ->죽을 만큼 배고프다.
I'm hungry.
I'm full -> 배부르다.
I'm stuffed -> 숨도 못쉬게 배부르다.

stove -> 가스렌지 / oven ->오븐 / microwave ->전자렌지
microwave safe -> 전자렌지 용기

washing machine -> 세탁기
dish washer ->식기세척기
cupboard -> 씽크대 찬장
cutting board ->보드

What do you eat?
I usually have rice some side dishes.

I usually have cereal.
I usually have simple weatern breakfast.
No, I don't usually have breakfast.
It's my old habit.

I always gt up late.
So I don't have time to eat breakfast.
= So I don't have time for breakfast.

I don't feel like eating in the morning. ->아침먹는게 안 떙긴다.

heab tea

sports drinks -> 이온음료
home made fruit juice -> 집에서 만든 주스
Soda > cake = coke
cider -> 사이다.
carbonation <-> This coke is flat -> 이 콜라 김빠졌다.

I have food coma -> 식곤증

It taste funny -> 맛이 이상해
It's tasty.
It's delicious.
It's yummy.


Who have you known the longest?
Which of your friends have you known longest?
= 누가 가장 오래된 친구냐?

What's your ideal type?
-> 너의 이상형은 누구야?
What's your ideal job?
-> 너의 좋은 직업은 뭐야?

I like someone who is tall
and who has lots of money
and loves m\only me.

Who's your dream boy?
I don't have one.
What positive and negative qualities do you have?
->너의 장점과 단점은 모니?

Q: How long have been toghther her?

I can tell ->알것같다

tomorrow is my day off -> 나 낼 쉰다.
= I'm off tomorrow.


I'm forgetful = I'm absent minder -> 난 건망증이 있다
I'm clumsy -> 난 덤벙거린다.

I'm neat <-> I'm messy
난 깔끔해 <-> 난 지저분하다
I'm perky and bright -> 난 유쾌하고 밝다

I'm picky -> 난 까다롭다.

I'm stuck up <-> I'm humble
난 잘났다. <-> 난 겸손하다

I'm unreliable at time -> 난 시간을 잘 안지킨다.
I'm reliable at time -> 난 시간을 잘 지킨다.

I'm optimistic = I have a positive mind -> 난 긍정적이다.
I'm pessimistic =  I ahve a negotive mind -> 난 부정적이다.

warm hearted <-> cold hearted
따뜻한 마음 <-> 차가운 마음

narrow minded <-> broad minded
속이 좁은 <-> 속이 넓은

easygoing = easy to get a long
          = mellow

outgoing  - I'm an extrovert
          - talkative
          - active
          - social

<-> an introvert
    - shy
    - quiet
    - timid -> 소심한
    - coy -> 내숭떠는
smart intellignet
funny = humorous
playful -> 장난끼 있는
I'm bored -> 내가 지루하다.
I'm boring -> 난 지루한 사람이다.

straight-laced -> FM적인
blunt -> 말을 무뚝뚝하게 하는
out spoken -> 직선적인
hot tempered -> 욱한다
high-strong<->laid back
고집이 쎄다
stingy -> 짠돌이다. <-> a big spender
decisive = have strong opinions <-> indecisive
고집있다 <->우유부단하다

buddy  -> 베프, 절친
slang) homoy , dude , bro = close friend -> 베프, 절친

What's ______ like? ->어때?

That's why ->그래서
She's sometimes lazy -> 게으르다.
She's kind of moody.
She's kind of indecisive.

Does she have any negative qualities?

How similar are you and your best friend?
How diffrent are you and your best friend?

How long have you been knowing her?
How long have you been dating her?
How long have you been togother her?

I've been dating for 3 years.
I've been since 2004

How did you meet her?
She was my high school freind.