I'm forgetful = I'm absent minder -> 난 건망증이 있다
I'm clumsy -> 난 덤벙거린다.
I'm neat <-> I'm messy
난 깔끔해 <-> 난 지저분하다
I'm perky and bright -> 난 유쾌하고 밝다
I'm picky -> 난 까다롭다.
I'm stuck up <-> I'm humble
난 잘났다. <-> 난 겸손하다
I'm unreliable at time -> 난 시간을 잘 안지킨다.
I'm reliable at time -> 난 시간을 잘 지킨다.
I'm optimistic = I have a positive mind -> 난 긍정적이다.
I'm pessimistic = I ahve a negotive mind -> 난 부정적이다.
warm hearted <-> cold hearted
따뜻한 마음 <-> 차가운 마음
narrow minded <-> broad minded
속이 좁은 <-> 속이 넓은
easygoing = easy to get a long
= mellow
outgoing - I'm an extrovert
- talkative
- active
- social
<-> an introvert
- shy
- quiet
- timid -> 소심한
- coy -> 내숭떠는
smart intellignet
funny = humorous
playful -> 장난끼 있는
I'm bored -> 내가 지루하다.
I'm boring -> 난 지루한 사람이다.
straight-laced -> FM적인
blunt -> 말을 무뚝뚝하게 하는
out spoken -> 직선적인
hot tempered -> 욱한다
high-strong<->laid back
고집이 쎄다
stingy -> 짠돌이다. <-> a big spender
decisive = have strong opinions <-> indecisive
고집있다 <->우유부단하다
buddy -> 베프, 절친
slang) homoy , dude , bro = close friend -> 베프, 절친
What's ______ like? ->어때?
That's why ->그래서
She's sometimes lazy -> 게으르다.
She's kind of moody.
She's kind of indecisive.
Does she have any negative qualities?
How similar are you and your best friend?
How diffrent are you and your best friend?
How long have you been knowing her?
How long have you been dating her?
How long have you been togother her?
I've been dating for 3 years.
I've been since 2004
How did you meet her?
She was my high school freind.