I got up late. = I overslept ->늦게 일어나다
I didn't feel like studying english.
I didn't fell like eat beackfast.
Do you like coffee?
Yes, I love cafamoca.
Yes, I always drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day.
How many cups of coffee do you drink?
I always drink 2 or 3 shots of soju.
I drink forever.
I drink like a fish
I'm heavy drinker.
I'm light drinker.
I used to drink 2 or 3
I'm a party animal but not any more.
I always drink sweet coffee after meal.
I'm addited to ______
It's not bad but I don't drink (a lot do = lots of) coffee
Not really but I sometime drink bleak when I'm sleepy.
refrigerator = 냉장고
= fridge
freezer -> 냉동실
I'm cooking.
I'm burning up.
I'm starring to death ->죽을 만큼 배고프다.
I'm hungry.
I'm full -> 배부르다.
I'm stuffed -> 숨도 못쉬게 배부르다.
stove -> 가스렌지 / oven ->오븐 / microwave ->전자렌지
microwave safe -> 전자렌지 용기
washing machine -> 세탁기
dish washer ->식기세척기
cupboard -> 씽크대 찬장
cutting board ->보드
What do you eat?
I usually have rice some side dishes.
I usually have cereal.
I usually have simple weatern breakfast.
No, I don't usually have breakfast.
It's my old habit.
I always gt up late.
So I don't have time to eat breakfast.
= So I don't have time for breakfast.
I don't feel like eating in the morning. ->아침먹는게 안 떙긴다.
heab tea
sports drinks -> 이온음료
home made fruit juice -> 집에서 만든 주스
Soda > cake = coke
cider -> 사이다.
carbonation <-> This coke is flat -> 이 콜라 김빠졌다.
I have food coma -> 식곤증
It taste funny -> 맛이 이상해
It's tasty.
It's delicious.
It's yummy.